YHU.life’s Amazon Alliance is a unique coalition of Kichwa indigenous organic farming associations representing more than 1,200 families in Ecuador’s Amazon…
Together we cultivate organically certified high-value crops in traditional Amazonian ‘Chakra’ agroforestry systems.
Our work is rooted in the ancient cultures and traditions that exhibited a more harmonious existence between humans and our planet while our stakeholder-centered governance ensures that a higher and more diversified income ends up in the pockets of our local producers.
While we export healthy products to enhance consumer’s lifestyles, we also educate our producers and their families to promote a more healthy lifestyle in their villages.

YHU.life is an initiative centered on caring for people, their communities and their natural environment.
While we export healthy products to enhance consumer’s lifestyles, we also educate our producers and their families to promote healthy living and eating in their villages.
Our goal is to improve the educational and health standards of these indigenous communities without sacrificing their valuable traditions or their land.
We are committed to cultivate and develop an end-use for many of these nutrient rich superfoods through organic farming methods.
Our shared values
Social Values
- Building stronger community resilience and diversified financial income
- Strengthening inclusive local Kichwa cooperatives and community enterprises
- Fostering female empowerment and leadership
- Provide attractive work opportunities for youth
Environmental Values
- Discouraging deforestation
- Preserving the polycrop organic agroforestry of the ‘chakra’ system
- Biodiversity conservation of the Amazon ecosystem
- Supporting the intrinsic motivation of Kichwa farmers

We are passionate about building a growing awareness about the ancient practices used by these communities in the care of our valuable rainforest and the ancient nutritional products that thrive here.
These practices will ensure cultural and environmental sustainability for the production of these super ingredients, considered by many to be sacred.
To ensure prosperity at all levels, YHU.life promotes integrated value chains and ensures a fair distribution of financial income.
Our Alliances

Our Amazon Alliance has the recognition and support of various indigenous organizations: CONFENIAE, the confederation of indigenous organizations of the Amazonian region of Ecuador, and COICA, a consortium of indigenous organizations within the 9 countries that encompass the Amazon rainforest delta.
The alliance we have formed between Yhú Life, Wiñak and Kallari, helps ensure that Naporuna Kichwan communities can continue to coexist in harmony with their environment by implementing time-honored, and often sacred, practices to sustainably grow the nutrient rich products we offer to the world.
The local communities produce organic, sustainably grown products for health-conscious active lifestyle consumers.

Our Communities
These are our communities; People who live in the rain forest, or the highlands of Ecuador.
These are the people of latitude cero; people of the low lands or the altitudes of the Andes and their majestic mountains.
They are the original inhabitants of our land; simple and wise, they have prevailed and kept their inheritance, culture and values in an unfavorable environment.